
We hereby inform those concerned that the conference will be held. At the same time, in light of the persisting European health situation, the health of our guests and speakers has become a priority, thus the presentations scheduled for Friday will be broadcasted online (the speakers will hold their presentations from the distance, in OFFI’s studio).

We recommend following the events online, and staying home in case you experience any symptoms of illness. There will be no projection in the Senate Hall of the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE due to the university closures. Thank you for your understanding.

Looking forward to welcome our online participants. Thank you for your help in preserving your own and the community’s health with a responsible decision!

On 12-13 March 2020, TransELTE2020–OFFI ONLINE Conference of Translation Science will be held for the 22nd time, focusing on innovation and technological advancement.
The cooperation of ELTE and the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation looks back on a history of several decades.
The common conference series was launched under the title Hungarian Translators’ and Interpreters Day. The venue of the conference is again traditionally the Senate Hall in Building A of the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE. The event is held primarily for beginner and practicing translators, interpreters and terminologists, but research fellows from all university research centres of translation science from the Carpathian Basin are also welcome to attend.

The title of this year’s conference is New technologies in interpreting and translation practice. The first day of the two-day conference will be organized by ELTE, and the second by OFFI. In the morning of the first day dedicated to interpreting, the university gives opportunity to PhD students to present the results of their research, and in the afternoon we can listen to guest speakers. The presentations and workshops of the second day focused on translation will be framed by the OFFI Academy programme.

On this occasion too, members of the translator profession will be able to enjoy a high-standard programme: Kornai András (university professor, BME), Pléh Csaba (university professor, BME), and Mark Childress (Terminology Manager, SAP SE) will be among the plenary speakers, who  focus on new translation technologies in their presentations from different angles. 

Academician Pléh Csaba will present the relation between Human memory and translation from a neurolinguistic angle, university professor Kornai András is going to analyse the relation between context-dependent embedding and modern translation technology, whereas Mark Childress will present the results of the SAPTerm terminological database revealing the terminology of business management software.

Berencsi Katalin (Translation Service, European Commission) will share some tips for the effective use of the IATE interinstitutional terminology database. Szekeres Csaba (managing director, TECH-LINGUA) the Hungarian distributor of SDL Trados computer-assisted translation software and Faludi Andrea (terminologist, LEG Hungary) will introduce us to the connection points of modular documentations and machine translation and terminology.

After the buffet reception, participants will have the option to choose between three workshops. Szekeres Csaba (managing director, TECH-LINGUA) will hold a workshop on online translation and translation management, Nagy Levente Péter (OFFI Zrt.) will share the good practices of technology in use in the work of translators and terminologists, and Polácska Edina (OFFI Zrt.) will talk about the translator-reviser-terminologist’s technological evolution.

The programme can be downloaded via this link:

Looking forward to see you at the conference!
The programme is subject to change!