1.1 Contact, organisational structure, management

1.1.1 Contact data

Name: Országos Fordító és Fordításhitelesítő Iroda Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Private Limited Company)
Seat: 1062 Budapest, Bajza u. 52.
Mailing address: 1394 Budapest, Pf. 359
Central switchboard:+36-1-428-9600
Central fax number:  +36-1-428-9611
E-mail: info [at] offi [dot] hu
Website: www.offi.hu

1.1.2 Organisational structure

1.1.3 Management of 1.1.3. Bodies

Management and Supervisory Board

  • Balázs Németh, CEO
  • Ildikó Somogyi, Head of the Secretariat
  • Zoltán Lang, Head of the Accounting and Finance Department
Supervisory Board:
  • Orsolya Biczi
  • dr András Béla Mázi
  • Levente Sütő

Information of public interest
1.2 Supervised budgetary entities

OFFI does not supervise any budgetary entity.

1.3 Economic entities








OFFI-BON Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.


Trade and

Services Ltd)

1062 Budapest
Bajza u. 52.


Translation and interpreting

Zoltán Lang

Managing Director


1.4 Public foundations

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

1.5 Journals

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

1.6 Superior bodies exercising control and legal monitoring or supervision

Superior bodies exercising control and legal monitoring or supervision over OFFI Ltd:

Ministry of Justice (IM)
State Secretariat for Judicial Relations

1055 Budapest, V. Kossuth Lajos tér 2-4.
Mailing address: 1357 Budapest, Pf. 2
Phone: (+36 1) 795-1000
Fax: (+36 1) 795-0002

1.7 Budgetary entities

There is no budgetary entity established by OFFI Ltd.


2.1 Core activity, responsibilities and competence of the organisation

Decree of the Council of Ministers
Government Decree of the Minister of Justice

2.2 Data on handling affairs related to official bodies and agencies

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

2.3 Public services
  1. Preparing certified translations (Section 5 of Decree 24/1986 (26 June) of the Council of Ministers and Section 5 of Ministerial Decree 7/1986 (26 June) of the Minister of Justice),
  2. Certifying translations (Section 5 of Decree 24/1986 (26 June) of the Council of Ministers and Section 5 of Ministerial Decree 7/1986 (26 June) of the Minister of Justice),
  3. Judicial interpreting (Section 6 of Ministerial Decree 7/1986 (26 June) of the Minister of Justice),
  4. Translating legislation under Section 2(4) of Government Decree 338/2011 (29 December),
  5. Preparing certified copies of foreign language documents (Section 5 of Decree 24/1986 (26 June) of the Council of Ministers and Section 5 of Decree No. of Ministerial Decree 7/1986 (26 June) of the Minister of Justice),
  6. Revision (Section 4 of Ministerial Decree 10/2015 (29 May) of the Minister of Justice),
  7. Preparing expert opinions on name changes (Section 13/A of Government Decree 125/1993 (22 September) Korm. on the enforcement of Act LV of 1993,
  8. Translation and revising activities required for performing the tasks of the Minister of Justice (Ministerial Decree 10/2015. (29 May) IM of the Minister of Justice),
  9. Translation and revising activities required for performing the tasks of the Head of Cabinet of the Prime Minister (Section 2(3) of Ministerial Decree 2/2018 (28 December) MK of the Head of Cabinet of the Prime Minister),
  10. Translation and revising activities required for performing the tasks of the Minister Heading the Prime Minister’s Office (Section 3/A of Ministerial Decree 8/2016 (25 March) MvM of the Minister Heading the Prime Minister’s Office),
  11. Participation in performing sectoral tasks of defence belonging to the responsibilities of the Minister of Justice (Ministerial Decree 9/2015 (30 April) IM of the Minister of Justice).
  12. Other interpreting activities based on assignment by law (e.g. Section 12(6) of Ministerial Decree 24/2005 (21 April) GKM of the Minister of Economy and Transport).
2.4 Registers of the organisation

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

2.5 Open publications

Currently, OFFI Ltd has no open publications.

2.6 Decision making, meetings

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

2.7 Decisions of the organisation, concepts, plans, proposals

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

2.8 Tenders

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

2.9 Notices

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

2.10 Requesting data of public interest

Requests for data of public interest should be addressed to the Head of Secretariat of OFFI Ltd.

2.11 Lists of disclosures


I. Organisational and personnel data






OFFI's responsible person


Name, seat, mailing address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, website and customer service points of the organisation with a public service mandate

Immediately after the changes

 Previous status to be deleted

Head of the Secretariat


Organisational structure of the organisation with a public service mandate with listing the organisational units and their tasks

 Immediately after the changes

 Previous status to be deleted

Head of the Secretariat


 Name, position and contact of the members of the management of the organisation with a public service mandate (phone and fax number, e-mail address)

Immediately after the changes

 Previous status to be deleted

Head of the Secretariat


 Name and contact of the competent head of customer service within the organisation (phone and fax number, e-mail address) and office hours

 Immediately after the changes

 Previous status to be deleted

Head of the Secretariat


 Name, seat and contact of the economic operator majority-owned by or functioning with the participation of the organisation with a public service mandate (phone and fax number, e-mail address), its business, name of its representative, and share held by the organisation with a public service mandate

 Immediately after the changes

 Previous status to be retained in the Archives for one year

Head of the Secretariat


 The data specified in 1 above of the superior or supervisory body or agency of the organisation with a public service mandate; of the agency entitled to adjudicate appeals concerning official decisions, or, in the absence thereof, the data specified in 1 above of the body or agency exercising legal supervision over the organisation with a public service mandate

 Immediately after the changes

 Previous status to be retained in the Archives for one year

Head of the Secretariat


Name, position, salary, redundancy benefit and notice period of the executive officers and the employees in management positions under Section 208 of the Labour Code of the publicly owned economic operator, OFFI Ltd, as well those entitled to sign for the company independently or to manage its bank account; and the name, position, fee, other entitlements and cash benefit of members of the supervisory board

Within 15 days after the changes

Two years after the change

Head of the Secretariat


II. Data on activities and operation






OFFI's responsible person


Full text of the main effective legislation and of the instruments of public law regulating the entity that concerns the organisation with a public service mandate and specify its responsibility, competence and core activity, as well as of its by-laws or rules of procedure, and of its data protection and data security regulations.

 Immediately after the changes

 Previous status to be retained in the Archives for one year

Head of the Legal and Regulatory Department


Name and content of the public services provided by or funded from the budget of the organisation with a public service andate, the order of using the public services, and the extent of the fee to be paid for the public services and the applicable reductions

 Immediately after the changes

Previous status to be retained in the Archives for one year

Head of the Secretariat


 Notices and communications published by the organisation with a public service mandate


 To be retained in the Archives for at least one year

Head of the Secretariat


  Description of the professional content of calls for proposal launched by the organisation with a public service mandate, as well as their results and justifications


  Previous status to be retained in the Archives for one year

Head of the Secretariat


 Public findings of the inquiries and inspections concerning the core activity carried out at the organisation with a public service mandate

 Immediately after the disclosure of the report on the inquiry

 Previous status to be retained in the Archives for one year

Head of the Secretariat


 The rules of managing requests for access to data of public interest, the name and contact details of the competent organisational unit, and the name of the person responsible for data protection or dealing with information rights if there is one

Every three months

Previous status to be deleted

Head of the Secretariat


III. Management data






OFFI's responsible person


 Report of the organisation with a public service mandate under the Accounting Act or its annual budgetary report

 Immediately after the changes

For ten years after being published

Head of the Accounting and Finance Department


 Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate, and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements; the remuneration, salary, regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as the reimbursement received by them,  aggregately; and the type and extent of entitlements provided for other persons employed, aggregately

 Every three months

 By preserving in the Archives for a period specified in the specific relevant law, but at least for one year

Head of the HR and Personnel Department


 The name (type) and subject of contracts reaching or exceeding the threshold of the simplified public procurement procedure concerning purchasing goods, construction investments, ordering services, selling assets, utilising assets, transferring assets or rights of pecuniary value and granting concession, concluded by OFFI Ltd through using its funds and related to its asset management, as well as the names of the contracting parties, the value of the contract, the term of the contract if concluded for a definite term, as well as the changes of the data mentioned above, except for the data of purchases for protection and security purposes, and classified data. The value of the contract means the value of the consideration set forth for the subject of the contract, calculated without value added tax, while in the case of gratis transactions, the market or book value of the assets, whichever higher, should be taken into consideration. In the case of recurring contracts concluded for a period longer than one year, the value calculation should be based on the amount of consideration calculated for one year. The value of contracts concluded in the same financial year with the same party and the same subject should be counted together.

 Until the sixtieth day following the date of the decision

For two years after being published

Head of the Accounting and Finance Department


Public data specified in the Act on Concession (calls for proposals, data of tenderers, records of the assessments, results of the calls for proposals)

 Every three months

 By preserving in the Archives for a period specified in the specific relevant law, but at least for one year

Head of the Accounting and Finance Department


 Payments exceeding five million forints paid by the organisation with a public service mandate for things other than performing its basic tasks (particularly, payments supporting associations; payments to professional and workplace interest representation bodies of its employees; payments to fund organisations supporting the educational, cultural, social or sports activities of its employees or supported persons; and payments related to tasks performed by foundations)

 Every three months

 By preserving in the Archives for a period specified in the specific relevant law, but at least for one year

Head of the Accounting and Finance Department


Description of developments implemented with funding from the European Union, and the relevant contracts

 Every three months

By preserving in the Archives for at least for one year

Head of the Accounting and Finance Department


 Public procurement information (annual plan, summary on assessing the proposals and the contracts concluded)

 Every three months

 By preserving in the Archives for at least for one year

Head of the Accounting and Finance Department


3.1 Lawful operation, inspections

3.1.1 List of inspections and audits

There have been no audits containing public findings at OFFI Ltd.

3.1.2 Audits by the State Audit Office

The State Audit Office conducted an audit at our company in 2016-17 concerning our asset preservation and management activities. The report can be found in the homepage of the State Audit Office.

3.1.3 Other inspections and audits

There have been no audits containing public findings at OFFI Ltd.

3.1.4 Efficiency of operation and performance

3.1.5 Operational statistics

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

3.2 Budgets and reports

3.2.1 Annual budgets

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

3.2.2 Item to be published: Financial statements

Profit and loss statement, balance sheet 2017
Notes to the financial statements 2017

Profit and loss statement, balance sheet 2018
Notes to the financial statements 2018

3.2.3 Item to be published: Implementation of the budget

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

3.3 Operation

3.3.1 Employees

Q4 2019 data

1. Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements

HUF 193 871 180

Headcount (persons)


2. Aggregate amount of the remuneration, salary and regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as their cost reimbursement

HUF 5 207 503

3. Aggregate data on the types and extent of entitlements to other employees

HUF 174 628 547

3.3.2 Support

Currently, no support is provided by OFFI.

3.3.3 Contracts

Start End
Eniac Computing Kft user agreement integrated accounting system – general ledger, finance, invoicing, tangible assets, inventory modules 22.03.2011 indefinite HUF 138 586 monthly
Erzsébet Utalványforgalmazó Zrt public procurement / delivery acquiring Erzsébet food vouchers in 2015 20.01.2015 31.12.2015 HUF 15 385 443 allocated amount / upon ordering
Kopi-Tech Kft delivery acquiring printers and scanners 12.03.2015 31.12.2015 HUF 6 899 000 one-off
Magyar Posta service postal mailing services (postage paid) 01.01.2008 indefinite table of fees / based on use every two weeks
Magyar Posta service - modification postal mailing services (postage paid) – extended to national network 06.06.2012 indefinite
MVM Partner Energiakereskedelmi Zrt. public utilities electricity-individual commercial contract (Bajza u. 52., 54., Győr, Szhely, Pécs,Nyháza, Eger,Miskolc,Szeged) 01.01.2015 31.12.2015 as metered monthly
Pannon Set Kft. public procurement / work contract development of CRM management system and filing system 13.07.2015 31.10.2015 HUF 9 940 000 one-off
Pensum Group Kft public procurement / service temporary work framework contract 15.08.2014 15.09.2015 HUF 24 600 000 allocated amount / monthly settlement
Transkert Bt. agency consulting activity for the   fact-finding of official audits and the development of services 16.07.2012 31.05.2015 HUF 200 000 monthly
Wallis Kerepesi Kft delivery car purchasing 24.03.2015 08.04.2015 HUF 6 849 000 one-off
CEE Forms Kft agency - modification consultancy related to the introduction of a certified document management software (modifying deadlines and tasks) 15.04.2015 30.09.2016 HUF 5 792 000 total
CYEB Energiakereskedő Kft sale and purchase framework contract electricity-individual commercial contact (Bajza u. 52., 54., Győr, Szhely, Pécs,Nyháza, Eger,Miskolc,Szeged) 01.01.2016 31.12.2016 as metered monthly
DataLock Kft. agency security and compliance consultancy, other expertise tasks 04.01.2016 31.02.2016 HUF 450 000 monthly
Ministry of Human Capacities grant TÁMOP 2.4.5-12/7-2012-0890 flexible work and tele-working 04.05.2015 31.12.2020 HUF 12 059 488 total
EU-JOBS Kft temporary agency work

modification of temporary agency work framework agreement



HUF 36 750 000

Erzsébet Utalványforgalmazó Zrt delivery acquiring Erzsébet food vouchers in 2015/2016 20.10.2015 31.12.2016 HUF 17 000 000 total
TIGÁZ Zrt. public utilities sale and purchase of gas 01.07.2015 10.01.2016 as metered monthly
UPC Magyarország Kft service providing internet service 2015/2017 02.01.2015 02.01.2017 HUF 443 000 monthly
WSH Számítástechnikai Kft work sharepoint svr 2013 sngl olp nl software licence and system engineering support 10.08.2015 10.08.2016 HUF 7 891 400 total
Erzsébet Utalványforgalmazó Zrt delivery Acquiring Erzsébet food vouchers 2016 03.03.2016 31.12.2016 HUF 12.077.100 total
MOL Nyrt. centralised public procurement / delivery KM0101UKAR16: fuel / fuel card framework contract Directorate General for Public Procurement and Supply (KEF) single 01.04.2016 30.09.2018 as metered every two weeks
dr. Vass Mária agency Internal auditing task for 2015, preparing internal auditing plan for 2016 01.05.2016 30.04.2017 HUF 500 000 monthly
Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyrt. service ISDN, business line and fax to mail services for 22 establishments + related devices and system-devices 02.06.2016 02.06.2017 HUF 440,828 /month + HUF 295,785 single fee monthly, one-off
Civil Zrt. agency

Security 2017

01.01.2017 31.12.2018 HUF 10 321 690 monthly

Kontakt Műhely Kft.

agency Organisational coaching, management workshop 25.01.2017 31.07.2017 HUF 6 700 000 monthly
4You Coaching Kft. agency acquiring ISO 17100:2015 standard 17.04.2017 31.08.2017 HUF 7 600 000 as scheduled
AUTO-FORT Kft.  delivery Vehicle acquisition for OFFI Ltd _2017 02.08.2017 02.08.2017 HUF 11 323 500 one-off
UPC Magyarország Kft.  service Providing OFFI Ltd with internet services 2017/2018 30.01.2017 30.01.2018 HUF 5 220 000 monthly

Konzolép Kft. 

work Redecoration of the Bajza utca offices and other rooms of OFFI Ltd 21.09.2017 10.12.2017 HUF 5 756 900 one-off
Cuboevento Kft.  framework contract Event organisation services for OFFI Ltd trough concluding a framework contract 21.11.2017 31.12.2018

HUF 6,000,000 (allocated amount)

allocated amount/upon ordering
Serco Kft. delivery Acquisition of IT and telecommunications devices – Server systems 08.12.2017 28.12.2017 HUF 6 935 000 one-off
Nádor Rendszerház Kft. delivery

Acquisition of IT and telecommunications devices – Server systems

08.12.2017 28.12.2017 HUF 5 020 720 one-off
CIVIL Zrt. agency Providing human security services at the headquarters of OFFI Ltd_2018 01.01.2018 31.12.2018

Net quote for human security services: HUF 1,980/hour/person

Net quote for reception services: HUF 1,850/hour/person

Net quote for cash transport: HUF 7,500/occasion

Net quote for remote monitoring: HUF 7,000 / monthe

EU-JOBS Munkaerőközvetítő és Szolgáltató Kft. public procurement/ temporary agency work framework agreement Temporary agency work framework agreement_2018 01.01.2018 31.12.2018 HUF 22 000 000 monthly
MVM Partner Zrt. public procurement/sale and purchase/maintenance Gas sale and purchase 01.10.2017 01.10.2018 as metered monthly
MVM Partner Zrt. public procurement/sale and purchase/maintenance Electricity 01.01.2018 31.12.2018 as metered monthéy
Erzsébet Utalványforgalmazó Zrt. public procurement/delivery framework agreement Acquiring gift vouchers 14.01.2017 31.12.2018 HUF 34 000 000 allocated amount/upon ordering

3.3.4 Concessions

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

3.3.5 Other payments

Not applicable for OFFI Ltd.

3.3.6 Developments supported by the European Union

Supported by the New Széchenyi Plan Social Renewal Operational Programme, the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd implemented the tender No. SROP-2.1.3.C-12/1-2012-0617 entitled “Funding In-house Training at the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation.”

The aim of the tender was to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and help them adapt to technological development through improving the competitiveness of the workforce, as well as employees’ employability, workplace skills and competences, and to encourage employers to continuously develop the knowledge of their employees.

The grant received for the implementation of the tender was HUF 50,548,008.

Új Széchényi terv
Magyarország megújul

The Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd, supported by the New Széchenyi Plan Social Renewal Operational Programme, implemented the tender No. TÁMOP-2.4.5-12/7-2012-0890 entitled “Flexible Workplaces at the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation”.

The aim of the project was to ensure through extending the number of employees that an increased number of staff may be involved in some kind of atypical employment (flexible work, telework, part-time work).

Employees working in those new forms of employment attended a ten-hour time and stress management training and a twenty-hour cooperation and emotional intelligence training.

The project was implemented with the support of the European Union and co-financed by the European Social Fund.

Széchényi 2020 logó

The grant received for the implementation of the tender was HUF 11,967,447.

The closing date of the project was 31.12.2015

3.3.7 Public procurement

Public procurement 2019


4.1 Economic organisations
Economic organisations before 05.05.2017







OFFI-BON Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.

1062 Budapest

Bajza u. 52.



Translation, interpreting

László Magyar

managing director





1062 Budapest

Bajza u. 52.



Construction, maintenance


Antal Csata

managing director



Gazdálkodó szervezetek 2016. előtt







OFFI-BON Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.

1062 Budapest

Bajza u. 52.



Translation, interpreting

László Magyar

managing director




SKART Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. "under winding up"

1062 Budapest

Bajza u. 52.



Translation, interpreting

Marianna Boza administrator



1062 Budapest

Bajza u. 52.



Construction, maintenance


Antal Csata

managing director




Gazdálkodó szervezetek 2015.02.06. előtt







OFFI-BON Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.

1062 Budapest Bajza u. 52.


Translation, interpreting

László Magyar managing director


SKART Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. "under winding up"

1062 Budapest Bajza u. 52.


Translation, interpreting

Marianna Boza administrator



1062 Budapest Bajza u. 52.


Construction, maintenance

Antal Csata

managing director


OFFICE Számítástechnikai, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.

5700 Gyula, Diófa u. 16.


1062 Budapest, Bajza u. 52.


Computer maintenance

Krisztián Hackl

managing director


4.2 Core activity, responsibilities and competence of the organisation

By-laws 2012

4.3 Item to be published: Financial report

Balance sheet - 2016
Notes - 2016
Profit and loss statement - 2016

Balance sheet - 2015
Notes - 2015
Profit and loss statement – 2015

Balance sheet - 2014
Notes - 2014
Profit and loss statement – 2014

Financial statements - 2013

4.4 Employees

Employess - 2014.

Q1 2014 data

1. Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements

HUF 147 841 793

Headcount (persons)


2. The aggregate amount of the remuneration, salary and regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as the reimbursement received by them

HUF 10 520 000

3. Aggregate data on the types and extent of entitlements to other employees

HUF 137 891 793

Employees - Q1 of 2015

Q1 2015 data

1. Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements

HUF 147 113 551

Headcount (persons)


2. The aggregate amount of the remuneration, salary and regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as the reimbursement received by them

HUF 10 204 262

3. Aggregate data on the types and extent of entitlements to other employees

HUF 125 416 974

Employees – Q2 of 2015

Q2 2015 data

1. Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements

HUF 153 355 802

Headcount (persons)


2. The aggregate amount of the remuneration, salary and regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as the reimbursement received by them

HUF 17 901 549

3. Aggregate data on the types and extent of entitlements to other employees

HUF 122 957 572

Employees – Q3 of 2015

Q3 2015 data

1. Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements

HUF 153 515 896

Headcount (persons)


2. The aggregate amount of the remuneration, salary and regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as the reimbursement received by them

HUF 12 812 805

3. Aggregate data on the types and extent of entitlements to other employees

HUF 128 206 410

Employees – Q4 of 2015

Q4 2015 data

1. Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements

HUF 170 928 703

Headcount (persons)


2. The aggregate amount of the remuneration, salary and regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as the reimbursement received by them

HUF 6 141 426

3. Aggregate data on the types and extent of entitlements to other employees

HUF 269 769 378

Employees – Q1 of 2016

Q1 2016 data

1. Headcount of the organisation with a public service mandate and the aggregate data on their personal entitlements

HUF 141 782 361

Headcount (persons)


2. The aggregate amount of the remuneration, salary and regular entitlements of the members of the management and the executive officers, as well as the reimbursement received by them

HUF 7 869 997

3. Aggregate data on the types and extent of entitlements to other employees

HUF 124 158 716

4.5 Contracts

Contracts – 23.03.2015








DataLock Kft.


security and compliance consultancy, other expertise tasks



HUF 450.000/month

Eniac Computing Kft

user agreement

integrated accounting system – general ledger, finance, invoicing, tangible assets, inventory modules



HUF 138.586/month

Erzsébet Utalványforgalmazó Zrt.

public procurement / delivery

acquiring Erzsébet food vouchers in 2016



up to the allocated amount of HUF 15,385,443

e-volreve Pénzügyi-Informatikai Kft.


management consultancy



HUF 1.250.000/month

Kopi-Tech Kft


acquiring printers and scanners



HUF 6.899.000

Magyar Posta


postal mailing services (postage paid)



table of fees / based on use

Magyar Posta

service - modification

postal mailing services (postage paid) – extended to national network




centralised public procurement / delivery



two-year framework

as metered

MVM Partner Energiakereskedelmi Zrt.

public utilities

electricity-individual commercial contract (Bajza u. 52., 54., Győr, Szhely, Pécs,Nyháza, Eger,Miskolc,Szeged)



as metered

Pensum Group Kft

public procurement / service

temporary work framework contract



allocated amount of HUF 24,500,000


public utilities

sale and purchase of gas



as metered

Transkert Bt.


consulting activity for the fact-finding of official audits and the development of services



HUF 200,000 /month

Contracts – 30.06.2017





Nat value of contract

Settlement unit



DataLock Kft.


security and compliance consultancy, other expertise tasks



HUF 450 000


Eniac Computing Kft

user agreement

integrated accounting system – general ledger, finance, invoicing, tangible assets, inventory modules



HUF 138 586


Erzsébet Utalványforgalmazó Zrt

public procurement / delivery

acquiring Erzsébet food vouchers in 2015



HUF 15 385 443

allocated amount / upon ordering

Kopi-Tech Kft


acquiring printers and scanners



HUF 6 899 000


Magyar Posta


postal mailing services (postage paid)



table of fees / based on use

every two weeks

Magyar Posta

service - modification

postal mailing services (postage paid) – extended to national network




centralised public procurement / delivery




as metered


MVM Partner Energiakereskedelmi Zrt.

public utility

electricity - individual commercial contract(Bajza u. 52., 54., Győr, Szhely, Pécs,Nyháza, Eger,Miskolc,Szeged)



as metered


Pannon Set Kft.

public procurement / work contract

development of CRM management system



HUF 9 940 000


Papp D. Gábor Ügyvédi Iroda


legal and lawyer’s services: representation, consultancy, document drafting



HUF 300 000


Pensum Group Kft

public procurement / service

temporary work framework contract



HUF 24 500 000

allocated amount / monthly settlement


public utilities

sale and purchase of gas



as metered



Wallis Kerepesi Kft


car purchasing



HUF 6 849 000


CEE Forms agency - modification consultancy related to the introduction of a certified document management software (modifying deadlines and tasks) 15.04.2015 30.09.2016 HUF 5 792 000 total
CYEB Energiakereskedő Kft
sale and purchase framework contract

electricity-individual commercial contract (Bajza u. 52., 54., Győr, Szhely, Pécs,Nyháza, Eger,Miskolc,Szeged)

01.01.2016 31.12.2016 as metered monthly
DataLock Kft. agency security and compliance consultancy, other expertise tasks 04.01.2016 31.12.2016 HUF 450 000 monthly
Ministry of Human Capacities grant TÁMOP 2.4.5-12/7-2012-0890 flexible work and tele-working 04.05.2015 31.12.2016 HUF 12 059 488 total
EU-JOBS Kft temporary agency work temporary agency work framework agreement 10.01.2015 10.01.2016 HUF 24 500 000 total
Erzsébet Utalványforgalmazó Zrt delivery acquiring Erzsébet food vouchers in 2015/2016 20.01.2015 31.12.2016 HUF 17 000 000 total

4.6 Public procurement

4.6.1 Public procurement plan

Public procurement plan 2011
Public procurement plan 2012
Public procurement plan 2013
Public procurement plan 2014
Public procurement plan 2015
Public procurement plan 2016
Public procurement plan 2017
Public procurement plan 2017 Amendment No. 1
Public procurement plan 2018

4.6.2 Further development of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system 2017

Call for tenders
Letter of information