Every year on 26 September, we celebrate the European Day of Languages, which aims to promote linguistic diversity, encourage language learning and preserve the cultural values of different peoples. This event reminds us all over Europe, that languages are not only tools of communication, but also gateways to other cultures and other ways of thinking and living. In this context, the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation (OFFI) plays a crucial role in strengthening linguistic relations and promoting multilingualism in Hungary by providing translations in more than 70 languages.

OFFI has 155 years of experience in the field of official translation and translation certification, where precision, professionalism and linguistic accuracy are essential. On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, we would also like to mention that OFFI's activities are not limited to translation alone: through language mediation, OFFI makes a significant contribution to facilitating contacts between different peoples and languages, whether its services are related to official documents, legal, economic or cultural texts, or interpretation.

OFFI's language mediation services are used successfully in a wide range of international transactions, official procedures and administrative matters. When performing its public tasks in the area of language mediation, OFFI’s aim is always to serve its customers. Translators are expected not only to translate a text into another language, but also to ensure that it will be accurately rendered and legally correct, which are essential criteria in cross-border communication. In this sense, OFFI is building bridges between different linguistic and legal systems.

The European Day of Languages is also a good opportunity to reflect on the importance of the work of translators and interpreters, who are indispensable for communication in the global economy. Every day, OFFI's translators and interpreters help parties from different linguistic backgrounds to understand each other and conduct their business smoothly. Events like the European Day of Languages highlight the fact that promoting multilingualism not only enhances cultural richness, but it is also a fundamental condition for everyday life, international cooperation and official procedures.

26th of September, 2024

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High-Quality and Competitive Language Mediation in The Public Sector

On 22 March 2024, OFFI Zrt. organised an international conference entitled High-Quality and Competitive Language Mediation in the Public Sector in cooperation with the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University. Ministerial Commissioner Balázs Németh, the CEO of OFFI Zrt., gave a welcome speech at the conference...

Announcement: OFFI’s services also available in the Welcome Home Programme (Hazaváró program)

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Excellent Hungarian Business Brand: Successful Spring Results at the State Translation Agency

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