On the proposal of the management of Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd. (hereinafter: OFFI Zrt.) and with the support of the Supervisory Board, the Ministry of Justice, as the owner, approved the medium-term institutional development strategy of OFFI Zrt. for the period between 2023 and 2026. This means that over the next four years, the focus of the continuously renewing State-owned translation agency will be on the use of digital and language technology solutions to serve the public service of language mediation.
Building on the project results of the previous periods (2016-2018 and 2019-2022), OFFI Zrt. sets new goals for the current strategic period, while keeping the good practices of the previous development periods. The new institutional development strategy is a development programme for a crisis-resilient growth. It aims at a sustainable growth path in the long term and relies on people as creators and not as intervenors impeding any development. It is also ready to explore new public tasks to ensure a high-quality legal language of machine translation solutions, while implementing digitisation improvements through projects.
The renewed strategic focus is twofold: the Company will not only improve the quality of its performance of judicial tasks, which can be defined as public tasks based on legal delegation, but will also focus on digital translation solutions combining the experience of global translation industry trends and the specificities of the Hungarian legal language. The vision of the state translation agency is that by keeping the focus on judicial translation and interpretation as a public task in the digital ecosystem, OFFI Zrt.'s attestation and certification services will remain available to all branches of government and the general public in a dynamic and sustainable way, while at the same time the almost 155-year-old Hungarian legal translation tradition will be maintained through its own digital databases and language mediation training.
Between 2023 and 2026, our aim is to maintain an operating model with an organisational culture that carries forward the organisational and professional traditions that have been in place since 1869, responds to the modernisation needs of the 21st century and strengthens the ability of the Society and its owner, which also exercises sectoral control over the professional translation and interpretation functions, to deliver a profitable public service with its own funding.
100% State-owned OFFI Zrt. is regularly reporting to the public on its new strategic development programmes and its latest innovative developments and publications.