The Ministry of Justice as the owner has decided to merge the Hungarian Official Journal Publisher Ltd and the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd (OFFI) and the new entity has been registered by the court of registration. The merger of the two companies took place on 16 October 2024, and MKIFK Hungarian Gazette Publishing and Judicial Translation Centre Ltd. was created. The new Company aims to increase efficiency and competitiveness by combining the resources and expertise of the two merging organisations. As OFFI has a 155-year history in the field of certified translation and translation attestation, after the transformation, these two main tasks will be performed at the same high standard as before. The integration also aims to digitise translation and publishing workflows and introduce new technological solutions to improve customer experience and efficiency.
These measures will serve both sustainable growth and increased competitiveness, ensuring MKIFK's dominant role in the long term. The merged entity also aims to serve its customers with new and innovative solutions while maintaining the high level of professional activity and also providing a stable working environment for its employees.
The translation and attestation activities of the new organisation will be provided without any noticeable change after the transformation, in the two offices in Budapest and in all the counties and regions, thus ensuring a fast, professional and reliable service for customers nationwide.
MKIFK aims to continue to offer high quality translation services to its customers by introducing new technological solutions with the help of digitisation and improving customer service.

18th of October, 2024

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